21 July 2021
1.1 To provide County Council with details of reports received, decisions by the Chief Executive Officer under emergency delegated powers in consultation with Executive Members and any subsequent recommendations to County Council since the last meeting of the County Council on 5 May 2021.
2.1 Under his delegated decision making powers in the Officers’ Delegation Scheme in the Council’s Constitution, the Chief Executive Officer has power, in cases of emergency, to take any decision which could be taken by the Council, the Executive or a committee.
2.2 Following on from the expiry of the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, which allowed for committee meetings to be held remotely, the County Council resolved at its meeting on 5 May 2021 that, for the present time, in light of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic circumstances, remote live-broadcast committee meetings should continue as informal meetings of the Committee Members, with any formal decisions required being taken by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency decision making powers and after consultation with Officers and Members as appropriate and after taking into account any views of the relevant Committee Members. The Council further resolved to review this approach at its July meeting.
2.3 The meeting of the County Council on 21 July 2021 will be held remotely. As such, it will be an informal meeting with any decisions required being taken by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers, taking into account the view of the full Council.
3.1 The following sections provide details of decisions made by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers in consultation with the Executive Members and recommendations to County Council by the Executive since the last meeting of the County Council on 5 May 2021. The meetings were held on the following dates: 25 May 2021 (Q4 Performance Monitoring); 8 June 2021; 22 June 2021 and 13 July 2021. All of the informal meetings were live broadcast and the recordings of the meetings are available via the following link -
3.2 25 May 2021 Executive (Q4 Performance Monitoring) Informal Meeting
The Executive Members met on Tuesday 25 May 2021. It was an informal live broadcast meeting using MS Teams and OBS software. County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd, David Chance, Caroline Dickinson, Michael Harrison, Andrew Lee, Don Mackenzie, Patrick Mulligan, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.
In attendance: County Councillors Paul Haslam, Derek Bastiman, John Ennis, Janet Jefferson, Stanley Lumley, Andy Paraskos and Annabel Wilkinson.
Apologies: none received.
Substantive agenda items were:
· Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report
· Proposals for Changes to Public Highway as part of Transforming Cities Fund Programme
· Appointments to Outside Bodies.
The link to the reports and minutes from this informal meeting is as follows:
Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 25th May, 2021, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council
The Chief Executive Officer considered the reports, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive Members, and resolved to implement the recommendations of the Executive, using his emergency decision making powers.
The link to the decision records that were published to record these decisions is as follows - 1 May 2021 - 31 May 2021 | North Yorkshire County Council
3.3 8 June 2021 Executive Informal Meeting
The Executive Members met on Tuesday 9 March 2021. It was an informal live broadcast meeting using MS Teams and OBS software. County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd, David Chance, Caroline Dickinson, Michael Harrison, Andrew Lee, Don Mackenzie, Patrick Mulligan, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.
Substantive agenda items were:
· Amendments to the Council Constitution
· Levelling Up Fund Bid Submission
· 0-19 Healthy Child Section 75 Agreement - Consultation Feedback and Approval to move to a Partnership Model
· Submission of North Yorkshire Project Applications to UK Community Renewal Fund
· Schools Condition Capital Programme 2021/22.
The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:
Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 8th June, 2021, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council
The Chief Executive Officer considered the reports, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive Members, and resolved to implement the recommendations of the Executive.
The link to the decision records that were published to record these decisions is as follows - 1 June 2021 - 30 June 2021 | North Yorkshire County Council
3.4 22 June 2021 Executive Informal Meeting
The Executive Members met on Tuesday 22 June 2021. It was an informal live broadcast meeting using MS Teams and OBS software. County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd, David Chance, Caroline Dickinson, Michael Harrison, Andrew Lee, Patrick Mulligan, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.
In attendance: County Councillors Paul Haslam.
Apology: County Councillor Don Mackenzie.
Substantive agenda items were:
· Equality and Diversity Policy Statement
· Proposal to Change the Category of Danby CE Primary School from Voluntary Controlled to Voluntary Aided from 16 September 2021
· Grant of Leases to NY Highways Limited
· National Bus Strategy
· Filey Road Park and Ride, Scarborough - Option Agreement
· Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report - Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee.
The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:
Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 22nd June, 2021, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council
The Chief Executive Officer considered the reports, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive Members, and resolved to implement the recommendations of the Executive.
The link to the decision records that were published to record these decisions is as follows – 1 June 2021 - 30 June 2021 | North Yorkshire County Council
3.5 13 July 2021 Executive Informal Meeting
The Executive Members met on Tuesday 13 July 2021. It was an informal live broadcast meeting using MS Teams and OBS software. County Councillor Carl Les in the Chair plus County Councillors Gareth Dadd, David Chance, Caroline Dickinson, Andrew Lee, Don Mackenzie, Janet Sanderson and Greg White.
In attendance: County Councillors Philip Broadbank, Paul Haslam.
Apology: County Councillor Michael Harrison and Patrick Mulligan.
Substantive agenda items were:
· Carbon Reduction Plan
· Formal Meetings of the Authority’s Committees
· Proposed Changes to the Terms of Reference for the Independent Remuneration Panel
· Support for the Tour de Yorkshire 2022
· North Yorkshire Integrated Sexual Health Service (Appendix 1 confidential paper).
The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:
Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 13th July, 2021, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council
The Chief Executive Officer considered the reports, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive Members, and resolved to implement the recommendations of the Executive.
The link to the decision records that were published to record these decisions is as follows – 1 July 2021 - 31 July 2021 | North Yorkshire County Council
4.1 The Chief Executive Officer considered the reports, additional information provided at the informal meetings and the views of the Members, and resolved to recommend the following to County Council for its consideration:
4.2 Amendments to the Constitution
This item was considered at the informal meeting of Executive Members on 8 June 2021, where Members recommended to the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers, that he recommend the following to County Council:
(a) The proposed amendments to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;
(b) The proposed changes to the Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules in the Constitution as set out in Appendices 2 and 3 of the report;
(c) The proposed addition to Council Procedure Rule 13(h) in the Constitution as set out in paragraph 5.5(a) of the report.
Links to report and Appendices: Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 8th June, 2021, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire County Council
That the proposed amendments to the Constitution be considered by County Council Members and recommended to the Chief Executive Officer for approval under his emergency delegated decision making powers.
4.3 Equality and Diversity Statement
This item was considered at the informal meeting of Executive Members on 22 June 2021, where Members recommended to the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers, that he recommend the revised Equality and Diversity Statement to County Council.
That the revised Equality and Diversity Statement be considered by County Council Members and recommended to the Chief Executive Officer for approval under his emergency delegated decision making powers.
4.4 Formal meetings of the Authority’s committees
This matter is included in the main agenda for consideration at item 8.
4.5 Appointment to Committees and Outside Bodies
This item was considered at the informal meeting of Executive Members on 25 May 2021, where Members recommended to the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers, that he approve:
(a) An amendment to the name of County Councillor Michael Harrison’s Executive Member portfolio post to – Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, including Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care;
(b) The extension of existing appointments to the Outside Bodies, to the end of the current Council in May 2022;
(c) The appointment of County Councillor Caroline Goodrick and County Councillor Helen Swiers (as a Substitute) to the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board;
(d) Two Executive Members appointments – County Councillor Michael Harrison to Humber Coast & Vale Integrated Care System, and County Councillor Caroline Dickinson to West Yorkshire & Harrogate Integrated Care System.
County Council is also asked to note the following appointments that have been made to the Police Fire and Crime Panel by member authorities of that panel:
(e) Councillor Darryl Smalley has been appointed by the City of York Council with effect from 27 May 2021.
(f) Councillor Patrick Mulligan has been appointed by Craven District Council with effect from 16 June 2021.
The following appointments be noted:
(a) An amendment to the name of County Councillor Michael Harrison’s Executive Member portfolio post to – Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Health Integration, including Health & Wellbeing Board and Extra Care; |
(b) The extension of existing appointments to the Outside Bodies, to the end of the current Council in May 2022; |
(c) The appointment of County Councillor Caroline Goodrick and County Councillor Helen Swiers (as a Substitute) to the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board; |
(d) Two Executive Members appointments – County Councillor Michael Harrison to Humber Coast & Vale Integrated Care System, and County Councillor Caroline Dickinson to West Yorkshire & Harrogate Integrated Care System; |
(e) Councillor Darryl Smalley has been appointed the new City of York Council representative on the Police, Fire and Crime Panel with effect from 27 May 2021; |
(f) Councillor Patrick Mulligan has been appointed the new Craven District Council representative on the Police, Fire and Crime Panel with effect from 16 June 2021. |
County Councillor Carl Les
North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall
13 July 2021